I Believe in the Constitution

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Keepers of Liberty

"The boys of the rising generation are to be the men of the next, and the sole guardians of the principles we deliver over to them." Th Jefferson in a letter to Samuel Knox, February 12, 1810

jefferson in coat

Our children today are the leaders tomorrow; how can they lead if we do not instill in them the principles of goodness and wisdom.  Education is most important, they must learn to read the wisdom of wise men, encouraged to ask wise questions in order for wise answers be found. Principles are based upon what is right and fair in the universe, what is give to us by birth, our children must know.

Allow children the follies of youth, give them time to experience freedom and liberty without reservations, to taste freedom and liberty gives one a desire for it for a lifetime. Let them frolic in days of youthful years; too soon they grow, yet while the young years mold them they need a happy heart.

Produce a good foundation in our children, allow them room for individual growth, but guide them where there are faults and praise them on achievements; a good adult shall appear. Take the time then as they grow, give them all necessary examples of principles with undeniable righteousness, they shall keep them close to rely their decisions on. Do not hesitate, be careful in securing news of their creator within their hearts, no man can be without a heart bathed in love, it gives him character, keeping him fair and balanced.

When upon your age, your days lingering in the autumn of your lifetime, give over to your children the business of guarding freedom and liberty; then too they shall prepare the next generation. Children are the holders of our existence, they are the keepers of freedom and liberty for the next generation; prepare them well and freedom and liberty shall prevail a millennium  hence.

Yours in Liberty

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Recollection of Liberty

“I should, indeed, with peculiar delight, have met and exchanged there congratulations personally with the small band, the remnant of that host of worthies, who joined with us on that day, in the bold and doubtful election we were to make for our country, between submission or the sword; and to have enjoyed with them the consolatory fact, that our fellow citizens, after half a century of experience and prosperity, continue to approve the choice we made. May it be to the world, what I believe it will be, (to some parts sooner, to others later, but finally to all,) the signal of arousing men to burst the chains under which monkish ignorance and superstition had persuaded them to bind themselves, and to assume the blessings and security of self-government. That form which we have substituted, restores the free right to the unbounded exercise of reason and freedom of opinion. All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately, by the grace of God. These are grounds of hope for others. For ourselves, let the annual return of this day forever refresh our recollections of these rights, and an undiminished devotion to them.” Th Jefferson in his last letter June 24, 1826, to Rodger Weightman

Mr. Jefferson, I see even upon the approaching year marking a half century from the day of the greatest accomplishment upon this land, you had the highest hopes and dreams for the still fledgling nation. The breaking out of bondage, denouncing oppression; all you knew too well, and knew our creator gave us an ability far beyond just living under daily strive and slavish abuse.  Who gave to another man the right to control another, where did he get the license to do so; we know it not be true, and you dear sir dared to stand with your fellow delegates, declared independence, put your name below the very words you wrote. Give the King his notice, tell the world no longer would the British American colonies live under oppression, but would break from it, with a sword against their temples, colonists took to the fields of battle, and won.

I dare say, sir, no time in history since, have men united for a greater cause; we share your joy and honor given for your sacrifice. The approaching celebration, surely your recollections be golden, a time to ponder the part of life you left to America, giving it willingly to citizens when perhaps your enjoyment of life at Monticello be more appealing. Surely the years spent from it and your family took its toll upon you, but if you suffered America did not hear you; only the words you penned has survived and we do know the countless sacrifices made. But honored we are of what you gave, each fourth, every firework, flag and song, goes to your honor and to the other brave wise men you called your fellow countrymen. 

So here we shall be approaching the fourth of 2011, we must take this year for more than reflection, but we must hereby take a stand as great as yours with fear in our hearts. At long last, our nation has stumbled, men faltered and evil corruption slipped in; for a few generations, corruption has grown, our government no longer of the people but of the government and we shake in our shoes in fear of oppression. This day approaches and many wise men know full well there is no choice, we learned well our lessons of 1776, do not take revolution lightly but do so with facts of grievances firmly in your grip, walk steady and with conviction with your principles; and dear sir we have, no other choice but oppression faces us. To this day, our minds be made, the ink dried words, affirming our ReDeclaration of Independence. Please bless our work ahead, if I may ask of your permission, kindly watch over us as we save Liberty for another nine generations hence.

Yours In Liberty

Monday, March 28, 2011

Patriotism alive or dead?



Old Glory, you wave proudly, without regard to danger, never do you discriminate from where you fly, always trusting, forever proud; you wrap yourself around the fallen, singing their last praises to the heavens.

And so, with such honor bestowed upon our flag do we wonder what sentiments citizens minds contain.  The flag has taken serious abuse in the name of freedom, dragged across the seas, shot at, shot down and still she climbed back up; she proudly flew over lands reclaimed for freedom sake; but the most abuse she gets is on the very soil she protects. Do we take these freedoms too lightly, thinking freedom a cheap commodity?

A resurgence of patriotism seems a rising event, tea parties held on town greens displaying Old Glory proud and tall; from New England porches to southern sea side resorts, to mid-west ranches to the far western shore homes she waves at the dawn light and bids us adieu at dusk. Glorious days, with only a trace billowy white, Old Glory reaches high to kiss the sky.

What ever happened to the flag abusers of the sixties, in their tie-dyed shirts and worn out jeans, hugging to their hips, smoking and popping the latest drug; giving them a chance to find themselves, seek a higher vision of life. They took to the streets with Old Glory dragging behind, through the mud or dust of the street, threw her into a heap and tossed a match upon her.  Their right of freedom of speech, said they could and they did.  None knew the feeling of oppression, heavy on your soul, taking your very breath away; the spoiled little children of freedom’s land, complacent in their ways; freedom a cheap commodity.

If they found themselves, of this I am not certain, wisdom of freedom, liberty and pursuit of happiness; seems lost forever, in the minds of the wretched spoiled sixties hippies now known as progressive liberals.  From where they came they brought their children; demonstrations and anti-American rhetoric by day and safe beds of complacency by night.

Is patriotism alive or dead; perhaps it is just asleep for some but very much alive in the once silent, majority making up the tea party movement.

Today a patriot, proud to be free, took a walk on a maple lined street, past historic homes where men talked of the Revolution and where Washington encamped, a mile or two away; the Declaration of Independence, voted on in July.  The patriot approached the village post office, there a package containing a very rare copy of the Declaration of Independence awaited him; people passed him on their hurried way to somewhere. He stopped, upon the ground, crumpled and dirty, Old Glory lay; yet Americans walked by her, on her and did not care; the patriot leaned down and in his arm he held her, in the other he held the package.

Together, they walked past the old historic homes, Old Glory and the Declaration of Independence, both old and tattered, both still loved; by a patriot.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Re-Declaration of Independence

In Resolve with the Citizens of the United States of America, we citizens do united and express our grievances for redress; having done so and received no response but be ignored repeatedly do solemnly and humbly re-Declare our Independence. The people of these United States are and ought to be and remain in liberty with freedoms for all.

No man or group of men has a right to withhold liberty from the people, so given their liberty by birth under their creator. We have tried for redress yet each grievance received upon deaf ears. The time now has come where citizens unite for the common purpose of one mission, the restoration of America, to put back upon its rightful foundation this free nation.

It has been said, a free people shall remain free when they are so educated upon the issues pressing them towards despotism; we are so educated and thereby exercising our rights as a free people to remain free. Citizens of this nation, being so free and living in liberty, has supported all people in other lands the opportunity for freedom. The blood of our citizens being spilled on foreign soil for the sole purpose of spreading freedom, we offer only support and ask nothing but friendship in good faith. Our mission from our beginning being one of peace, joy and prosperity for all, it is our unalienable rights, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, who could argue or debate such rights; only one with a mind of despotic rule could do so.

Why do we demand re-declaration of independence today, opposed to any other time in history? While it is proven, grievances have occurred in great quantity over the past 50 or more years, to our knowledge or experience; yet it is today, that such grievances have so accumulated, whereas the very fabric of liberty securing this nation; is torn by the grievances, enabling the corrupt officials full access to our rights and liberties; stealing them away like thieves in the night. We can no longer allow the destruction of our nation of liberty, doing so, allows this nation become a nation of oppression under despotic rule, where no man shall have rights but only be allowed certain life actions according the rule. We, the citizens of these United States are free and remain firm we will not allow such to change.

Americans have no sides to choose, they stand for upholding, and defending the Constitution or we are not Americans as our Founding Fathers so defined us. Many feel our Constitution is old, needs revising, updating for our times; what is our times; but a time of great change not for the better but for the worse, with rights and liberties disappearing, where men need comply with mandates and laws, unconstitutional but enforced and forced upon citizens, too afraid to stand against the enforcers. Most enforcers do not know their supreme law and rely upon the corrupt wolves for guidance, further spreading corruption. The citizens no longer will stand for the constitutionally ignorant to rule them; redress and dissolution of a corrupt government is rightfully requested.

It has been said, by our Founding Father and author of our Declaration of Independence who’s intellect is unmatched by any man today; “A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall take from the mouth of labor any bread it has earned – this is the sum of good government.” Th. Jefferson

No government ought be so large as to consume all laborious earnings from its people, leaving them no bread earnings for which to pursue their happiness. This is the case with our government today, and we have so allowed it, being more content to lie upon the soft bed of complacency of peace rather than be attentive and resist the coming despotic rule. Liberty is not easy to maintain yet we discover it far better attend to our liberties refreshing from time to time our government, than to allow the wolves to tend our governing, causing citizens the labor of restoring Liberty.

Shall we agree we have lost to despotism, much of our Liberty and thus need unite for its restoration? The state of no Liberty is the sign tyranny has won; I find it hard for citizens who lived under Liberty, raising the white flag of surrender. Americans only know freedom, they thrive on it; being so absorbed in it, they do not see it seeping away a drop at a time under the guise of tolerant progressive ideology.

Debate upon what has brought us to this point, but the point where America has come, must be resolved. America is in dire need of restoration. There is no other method of restoration but a complete cleansing of our government, to put into place, a smaller, fiscally responsible government based upon the foundation and law of the land – the Constitution. We mean nothing more than, for America be set back upon its foundation, allowing governing of the people and by the people be accomplished.

Beckon hitherto and sign this important document, the revised, ever spirited re-Declaration of Independence. http://www.thejeffersonians.com, on public viewing, available to sign. thomas_jefferson 2

Sunday, February 27, 2011


By N. Napolitano, a Jeffersonian

How absurd, what is one thinking, asking common sense to surrender; and to what does it surrender? My dear patriots, it is not a matter of asking common sense to surrender, many do so without cause to even think, and perhaps that was the flaw in the decision, not knowing to think first. When presented with propaganda wrapped well in charismatic words, an individual, or group of citizens finds such enticing, therefore feels in need of believing falsehood, not using ‘common sense’ as a barometer of truth to falsehood. The leftists use this tactic well over centuries and millenniums for control of citizens, a slow, methodical process; more likely than not, producing a generation of willing followers.

Americans need know the tactic, being observed during the centuries may provide methods so as not to repeat history. Our friend in liberty, Mr. Jefferson aptly put it: “…..He proves also that man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder is the sport of every wind. With such persons gullability which they call faith takes the helm from the hand of reason and the mind becomes a wreck.” To James Smith, Dec. 1822. Do we need see how unreasonable giving away our inner common sense shall be to freedom’s survival, the survival of America?

May I discuss with you, the words of Mr. Jefferson, having pondered upon them for some time, and using my reasonable mind, of which I have not surrender, nor do I intend such; the importance of recognizing and acting upon the intentional threat to citizens’ survival as a free people? Patriots, citizens, understand when speeches, addresses, commentaries come your way, listen carefully; never be caught in the moment of charismatic airs, rather hold onto common sense tightly weighing each word against what is natural and logical; reasonable and not. When the words hit your ears and they grind and squeak against the norm; raise you’re your red flag, warn to others the approach of tyranny. Others have listened, naïve in thinking, had faith no one would dare harm, went on raising the white flag for hope and change that never comes; be forewarned they aim to harm freedom, they aim to take it away for their sheer pleasure of rule.

Remember the words: “ We need pass the bill so we can see what’s in it” Nancy Pelosi; common sense reasonably believes before signing any document you need to know what is it that you are signing, your signature indicates you approve of and are in agreement with the document. Why would citizens stand by, listening to the words and allow the signing or passing of any such document; yet it happened. Americans complained, I heard, but not loud enough, our voices are not yet one for liberty.


Remember the words: “ We don’t have a deficit problem, we have a revenue problem” Common sense tells us budgets rely on cash available, the money comes first, the budget comes second; a farmer does not determine how much milk he shall produce then demand from the cow a quota to meet, he milks his cow and determines his supply. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/02/15/945318/-We-dont-have-a-Deficit-ProblemWe-have-a-Revenue-Problem The press and media, journalists and writers, for the progressive left movement; ready to sell your common sense on the street for a buck, plaster blogs and newprint, regarding why we need more revenue to fix our deficit problems; in doing so, all the ills of the economy shall be rendered healthy. Do we believe this, can you if you have given away your common sense; for sure a unreasonable thinker would believe every word, especially if there is no regard for your own pursuit of happiness, that you only desire hand-outs rather than try succeed on your own. Tax payers no matter the bracket, earn their income and deserve the reward of enjoying it, not be penalized for working hard. Corporations hire and maintain employees, they need revenue to grow, become more competitive, create growth for expansion of the job force; heavy taxation slows the growth, encourages cutbacks, therefore does not help the economy but hinders it. Employees of large corporations should neither expect nor demand benefits from the corporation, unreasonable for the continued growth of such corporation, having unions act as mediators for demands, does not excuse the demands. Government employees should neither demand or expect benefits that exceed or mirror large corporations, such demands for benefits, exceeding the private sector, rob citizens of earned income, in the form of taxation, to benefit another extraordinarily. We cannot expect citizens who cannot afford benefits for themselves to pay for our benefits, we are all responsible for such benefits ourselves, using our own earned income, each shall save, structure and control our retirement destiny. The government has no right to force us in paying for others retirements, nor does it have a right to force us in having the government, a retirement planner. Using our own resources, our own earnings we can produce methods of retirement savings that meet or exceed current standards for far less than what is available, private sector competition always produces and delivers a better result. The citizens hear these words, shake their heads but they do nothing more, I hear the complaining, but see no action; Americans need be one voice for liberty.

Do not give into good reason for a few good slick words; they are words ready to pierce through our armor, making us vulnerable for the attack. Be wise in your thinking, listen to your common sense, give it not away, but keep it close, out of the way of the enemy. Good reasoning and common sense are all the enemy needs destroy and the whole masses are theirs for the taking. Do not think otherwise, there is no alternative to common sense and a reasonable mind, anything else is a fabrication of a socialist mind, determined by its own means for destroying a soundly educated people to a people ready for oppression. The country will falter upon its own shores and neither be able to steer it away from disaster or prevent it; all shall be lost to despotic rule or die at the hands of it.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

OBAMA – America’s Top Spy – Caught spying on Britain


How has it come that our leader, our President, bows to our enemies and spies upon our allies; America appears, sadly as a most tarnished nation. Can we shine again? I see only one direction the people of America can direct themselves, that is to impeach and remove from office the President and all those found implicated.

President Obama, spied on the Britain, gathered information and with confidential information regarding UK’s Trident missiles, agreed to share such with the Russians in exchange for a treaty with them, disclosing our nuclear storehouse, and agreeing a reduction of the storehouse; making us vulnerable to a serious attack, moreover destroying our relationship with England. The senate passed the treaty with no disclosure to American citizens, our future security handed over to the Russians along with England’s; quite a tyrannical move.

Where do we go from here, do we slumber our way along, hoping for the next election comes before all of America crumbles or worse yet, before we lose all of our allies with the total destruction of the Constitution? Would we be quick in coming to Obama’s aid should England revolt against his actions; I believe the majority of citizens with eyes open widely will hand him over with no remorse. Do Americans wonder why such a treasonous move never reached the media and only when Wiki leaks put it out, that we discovered the move? Then did we see an outcry come from any corner of Congress or the general population?

Silence can be seen as ignorant, unknowing, fearful or a mass readying for combat. It is with great hope, Americans are readying themselves, will soon rise up and tear down the tyrannical regime posing itself as a proper Constitutional administration.

In documents recently revealed, we discover the US shall pass along to Russia the serial numbers of all Trident submarines owned by Britain, thus giving Russia a full disclosure of Britain’s arsenal. In 2009, Obama asked London for permission for such a disclosure however a direct and expected, answer in the negative was returned. Did Obama expect Britain to agree? Why would a nation disclose to others matters of national security? We now wonder why Obama would disclose Britain’s security information, our ally, for a treaty with Russia, giving away part of security? Certainly, we find no good coming from such a treaty and destroying our relationship with Britain.


Do we see a pattern of destruction, the tearing down and apart of America before our eyes? Where will Americans turn when an ally is needed as we try to restructure after we have fallen? Is this Obama’s way of creating a perfect plan for complete despotic rule?

Is the silence out of ignorance or unknowing or fear; I believe it is not but that the masses are readying themselves, to survive oppression and despotic rule, and achieve restoration of a true Constitutional administration. Rid America of her top spy, Obama and get on with the restoration.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Failing of Progressive Thinkers

“ It cannot be denied that we have among us a sect who believe that to contain whatever is perfect in human institutions; that the members of this sect have, many of them, name & offices which stand high in the estimation of our countrymen. I still rely that the great mass of our community is untainted with these heresies, as is it’s head. On this I build my hope that we have not labored in vain; and that our experiment will still prove that men can be governed by reason, “you said in your letter to Mr. Mason on February 1791 of which I would like to discuss, Mr. Jefferson. The sect you discuss I am most afraid has never disappeared although from time to time we have at the head one which is tainted by those subscribing to those heresies. We have been most fortunate your labour was not in vain, the people being attentive to the matters of freedom held to those principles, nothing less desired among the masses. Unfortunately, the attentiveness became too laborious for many, seeing slumber under peace desirable over watchfulness for freedom’s enemy. I dare say, Mr. Jefferson, a rude awakening came forth upon this new generation, yet a large sect of this generation still dizzy on a socialist dream stupor. It is the latter and no accountability for their drunkenness behavior, inflicting the country, laws, bills, mandates, and regulations far surpassing common sense. As young people these minorities, known as progressive thinkers, hippies or the like; held free speech rallies condemning the support of spreading freedom, calling any war; bad and unjust, all soldiers labeled murders. If treason was apparent, no one noticed it, nor did they find themselves accountable, giving them undeclared acceptance; therefore continued opening doors in the political arena as they matured in body but not of brain. Corruption has run rampant amongst all socialist thinkers bringing them to communism, as a good change for a country built on freedom.

I do not know should these Progressives as they choose themselves called, [ Communist, or Socialist, Marxist they are clearly recognized], see themselves as rightfully chosen in leading the country, their views and opinions may not be harmful, left alone without implementation, yet this is not so. Such Progressives find themselves, so excited, in control over the masses. Being now drunk upon not just progressive ideology but their control, has them on a full run to gain all control and lock up freedom forever from the masses. One question posed them without sensible answer, how does one run or control the masses with no desire for labour, having the masses decidedly unwilling for oppression; with no money for continuation of unworthy programmed mandates; how then does one operate a country under such circumstances? I fear they have no answer, nor want to contemplate such, the very thought of the laboring masses not willing to labour and give over all proceeds of labour does not approach their thinking. This demonstrates the stupor they dizzily rule, it is not real, nor shall it last.

While the progressives marched in rallies and ran for offices unqualified to do so, the majority educated themselves, ran businesses and labored in their professions; raising the next generation with values and principles; to this end we find the majority now well attentive to the needs of America and find your words, Mr. Jefferson, comforting and enlightening, causing them to rise up against the insanity in our government. I find comfort and feel hope in their efforts, the work is not easy but, no one denies freedom is easy to maintain. Your work shall never be considered in vain, the country has had few disruptions in peace, only finding itself in one civil war and it strengthen the values of equality. Perhaps such failure to redress many complaints against our government robs us today, the ability for moving in the direction of revolt with ease. The people agreeing by majority, the grievances presented are tyrannical and many, they fear the minority’s wrath, for what reason I do not understand. No minority as these progressives are, can in reality keep from us our freedom, but we are a kind majority, desiring restoration to freedom without bloodshed; whether this be reality or naught, I do not know. I do know, Mr. Jefferson, there remains hope in the people, and should we need a revolt to restore our freedom we shall find in every man the will to fight, and they shall never back down.

Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your words of encouragement, the people praise your words and hold them dear to their hearts, it makes our days enduring our grievances lesser a suffer.

Yours in Liberty,

A Jeffersonian