I Believe in the Constitution

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Jefferson, Adams turning over in their graves

I am thinking that Jefferson and Adams both would be turning over in their graves if they had a chance to see and hear what is going on. But would they be surprised? I wonder?

My thought is that they had figured this was going to happen at some point in time. It was their hope and prayers that the constitution as they had worked on so hard would keep their republic safe. They knew there were reasons to worry that at some point politicians would meddle so deeply so as to start to push the republic into a direction not wanted by the people. But it was to be the people that were to be strong enough to stand up to such politicians and bring the republic back to the a point of political harmony.

This unfortunately is not happening. We are losing the republic not because of enemies from outside but from within. But are they all from within? Are these people in Congress, in the White House gnawing at our freedoms like a hunger tiger on a new kill, are they all doing it on their own or is there an influence from outside we don't see or want to see? One begins to wonder?

In any event, it is up to the people to take back the republic. To take the control out of those that are not doing good for the country or for its people. It needs to be a brave group of ordinary patriots that decide to make that first move and stand up to be heard. Will it be easy? No, but there needs to be that brave group or we will surely lose it.

I hear each day from others say - not me. They will not be the ones that stand up or join a group to revolt against the evil doings in Washington. No they will hide their heads and hope the tiger won't come and eat them. Fact is, that left alone to do nothing, the tiger will surely come to eat us one by one, we just don't know who gets it first. So we need to take the tiger by the head and curtail its nasty doings. So, who will be the first group? And who will follow? And then will the movement be strong enough, will the people continue their efforts, to slowly gain strength so one day in not the too distant future have the strength in numbers and by the support of the majority of people to curtail the tiger?

I hope so. For the sake of this great republic we call America, I pray so.

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