I Believe in the Constitution

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Monday, March 9, 2009

Obama gets graded

A friend sent me this great link this morning. I thought it interesting and followed through in looking at it.
It was a link to a polling that MSNBC is doing regarding Obama's performance.http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29493093/ Here you vote from A to F on how he has been doing. Wow what a time for everyone to get out there and make your voice be heard, if only to control this poll to let America know we are not happy with his agenda.
I was quite surprised to see that he is either getting an A or an F, very view grades in between. So, what does that mean? It shows quite clearly that there are the die hards that will vote for anyone that tells them they are getting something for nothing and have never learned that you cannot get something for nothing, there is always a price. It is these naive, loafers that are giving him an A but the rest of America have gotten smart, have been smart, always have been smart about this guy so they are giving him an F. The best part of it all is that there is beginning to be more of us then of the naive loafers.
Of course, we all know that in saving America and saving our liberties we must save the naive loafers along with it all, but when we get our Constitution back in our control, the naive loafers will discover, there is a price to pay for everything and if you want something then you have to pay for it in some way. Freedom is not free, it costs and we are about to pay once more a price for our freedom.
Get out and vote now - put your vote in and spread the word as quick as you can. We the People need to tell Obama we do not like it one bit! and we are the majority! Finally, the Silent Majority is going to speak - go now: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29493093/

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