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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Flaws in Evil lets Good Prevail

In all of history, in all of the universe you will find that good prevails and evil fails, it just happens, so the question is why does it happen? The answer is quite simple. In all evil there is always a flaw. The method of evil is not of interest, criminals, terrorists, dictators, they all act within a mind where they believe their actions are just for a certain cause important to them. A criminal works within his own personal cause and within his own mind believes that it is just and good for him to this for his own benefit. Each time he succeeds he mind rises to a new height allowing him to do it again believing he is allowed to do it again, that he is given permission to do it again because he has not been told not to. The shear act of getting away with it has given the criminal the 'okay ticket' to do it again and again, that is in his mind. A terrorist works within the same way, each time they get away with a new terrorist attack they will do it again and again. All evil doers work within this same frame work.
So why do they work like this? It's simple. Unless they are caught they continue and they will continue at a higher rate if they are not caught because they are empowered by the shear fact of their evil power. It is their evil ego that drives them and this ego empowers them more and more each time they are not caught giving them the thought they have great power over others. There is nothing different about them, it is simply that they have not been caught yet. Every criminal, whether average criminal acting on their own, a political terrorist, a political dictator, or any other evil minded, evil doer with evil thoughts and evil minded actions on your mind, you will at one point make a mistake, it is is this mistake that you will make that is your flaw, all evil has that flaw. It is that flaw that will bring them down.
So now lets take a look closely at what is going on now. We have a country that is being taken over by a group. This was a long time coming. A long time in planning. Long ago a group of evil doers needed to have a naive puppet that would take the place at the head, agree to the place, play at it, follow all orders. He agreed. He was groomed. Everything was put into place and everything moved along well. Legislation, bills, changes, all things needed were put into order so the moment he was elected not a moment would be lost in putting things into effect. There was not thought of the people. The people never counted. There never was a thought of the people, this group has one thought, this thought is total take over, total control of the country. They also have not thought of their puppet. Does he know this? Most likely not.
Where is the flaw in all this? This group is so wound up in their own evil thoughts, their own evil doings that they believe that they are beyond all flaws, they are empowered by their success in all their plans, this is where they began to fail. The minute they began to succeed in all their plans and began to feel they were so empowered, feeling so powerful, so intelligent, so beyond all others, that they failed. They picked what they thought was a great master mind, a great part of their great success, right? Obama was part of the great success, he was why their plan is succeeding, right? Wrong? He is part of their failure.
Now we need to look at the man they picked. This man who they groomed. They groomed him to speak, they groomed him to think, they groomed him to act like they wanted him to. Now they put him out there. They watched him. They watched him with his wife, a wife that acted like he did. He had, like she a dislike for America, and they were not afraid to show it. When he was put before crowds he could swoon them and he loved it. The group worked the people, they used tricks dirty or otherwise to get votes going for this man and if you dared question things got worse, we were doomed. But, this was just to turn your head long enough so Obama could swoon more crowds long enough so no one would question his birth certificate authenticity, he kept on swooning. All this time, Obama was loving it. People were screaming Messiah and he was believing it. The more they yelled we love you, the more they yelled, Messiah we want change, the more Obama believed he was the Messiah.
Now we have him in office, we have this man that believes he is the messiah. This man, only a man walks around the world with the same disdain for America as he did long before was elected apologizing for being American making America look like a third world nation ready to collapse. This man hates conservatives because he feels they are a threat to him, they are stronger than he is and he knows it, he fears them, so he hates them. He labels them terrorists. He labels real terrorists, man made disasters. He begins to take over banks, auto manufacturers, begins to tell corporations what to do and how to manage business, and the economy is still in bad shape, still is heading downhill, he takes Bushes one trillion and throws 3 trillion more at it, with not real thought in mind. He has no idea what he is doing, has no intelligence behind what he is doing. His homeland security is a disaster. He begins to break down all security. Opens Pandora's box, we all wonder what next. What will happen tomorrow? We all wonder. He is on a Bush hate campaign, with his information seeking mission into the torture issues of the Bush Administration. This whole thing stinks. In my opinion this is nothing more than a mission to get at conservatives, those that he hates, he has not, does not and can not stand Bush, not anyone in his administration, it is his way and those around him, with the same dislikes to go after Bush. What they do not realize is that if they go after Bush and set a precedent then the next administration can do the same with him, he is either ruining future security for the CIA or setting his own butt up of scrutiny or he thinks there will be no other administration.
The people are noticing, the people are seeing, hearing that the change they wanted, the change they thought they were going to get was not coming their way. Taxes are being raised, more money is going out, jobs were being lost, more pork was going into the bail out packages with less money going out to the people. So what do the people do when they what change, real change? They hit the streets, they ask for it. Ask for the changes they want. Tea Parties everywhere are spring up across the nation. Everyone is talking about the tea parties. Everyone but Obama. He says he did not hear about them. Either he is deaf or dumb, which is it? He wants those people to love him, he believes that where ever he goes the people adore him, praise him, bow down to him, just like he bows down to leaders of other nations. No more will the people bow down to him, Americans want only for him to stop taking from them and give back their rights.
Soon the tea parties will increase, soon there will be more and more people listening and learning that the Obama who swooned them told them lies. Americans will be swooned no longer. Soon the tea parties will increase more and more. The people will not believe in the man as a messiah any longer. Obama was only a man, never a messiah. He was only a man, a man with an ego, a big ego, that believed only in himself, only believed in his own greatest which empowered him.
Just as in the last days of Nero's Rome after it had burned, Nero believed he himself was a God and the people greatly loved him until they found out he was intrumental in downfall and perhaps the burning of Rome itself. The people in crowd converged on the palace, "why are people all coming" he said, "they love me?" [they did not and he commited suicide] ------ The big tea party will come to Washington------Obama will be heard to say---- 'and why are all these people coming, I am the their messiah'.
And he will fail, he is flawed--- standing all empowered, believing to be the messiah and seeing that all his greatest is wiped out, his ego crushed before him, the people of America marching across his plans of dictatorship burying it into the soil beneath their soles as they wave their flags of victory for liberty.
So it goes---"the wrong shall fail, the right prevail......" Henry W. Longfellow