Some say he is a fool. Some say he intelligent. Some say he is a puppet. Some say he is Leader. So what or who is he?
You have to look closely at what he is doing and what he is saying. Don't listen to words that are written for him but what comes from his own thoughts, from his own heart or mind. You must look at the actions or lack there of that come from him. From these you shall come to the conclusions as to who and what this man is.
It is said that you need to not listen to what others say about about a man but to only believe what you see or hear with your own ears and your own eyes for there is where the truth shall be. These are the best words to listen to. When for example you look at a recent event where a reporter reported that Obama did not bow down to a Saudi leader but was merely bending down because he was taller than the leader could be believed if you took the reporter's word but if you believed only your own eyes and saw the raw footage you would clearly see that Obama was indeed bowing down to the leader and not bending down. So, clearly you need to see with your own eyes in order to make your own conclusions.
So, in looking and listening for yourself over these past weeks you will clearly see that this man has a problem with his ego. He clearly when confronted with questions with reporters or others, will not answer questions or will lash out in defense of his ego. This is not leader quality. When visiting other countries he does not stand up proudly in honor of the office that he holds, rather he bows down in a subservient manner to other leaders as if those leaders were of a higher value than he. He also is seen and heard apologizing for being an American, is this a sign of Leadership? The world economy is poised in a precarious position, where more debt clearly is not the answer yet Obama allowed pork after pork programs to go through that went directly to people that aided him in his election. These programs were not for the good of helping America get out this economic dilemma rather is was payback time for unions, organizations and corporations. We find a cargo ship with a US Captain and Crew taken by terrorist pirates, maybe a minor incident yet however minor it needs the attention of the President to stop such things from occuring again. They [the terrorists] are testing Obama. Let us see how he will handle it. Will he think that negotiating with them will work, clearly we know from the past; it will not.
This man who is he? I think he is not the intelligent leader many think he is. Those that think this also call him the new Messiah. And clearly he is not the new Messiah. I think he is not a fool. I do think that he is a man that has a great distain for capitailism and has for a long time been cultivated by others to be used for the purpose that he is now being used for. He knows his place and he knows what his position in this whole scheme of things is. He knows exactly what he needs to do. The only problem that I see is his ego. He has a problem with his ego and this may play a very important role in how things play out. Can he control his ego? If he can things may play out well. If he cannot we may see things play out quite differently. When he wants something to go one way and he is advised to do another, his ego may get in his way. Secondly, if his followers think he is the second Messiah, surely, the first Messiah showed us an ego had no place in being a leader of the people but here Obama clearly is showing us the opposite which is showing us - with our own eyes that he is not the second Messiah, he is not the great leader we were told we were getting. So, what did we get? A puppet? Who's puppet?