You hear them everywhere - words. We use them to express ourselves. We use them to do good, to make a point, to get out point across, to tell a story, tell the news, facts and we use them to lie, distort and hurt.
So, are words useful? Without them how would we communicate? Would we get our point across? Well, for some violence is a way to get a point across, we get the message but it does not, in my opinion make a dramatic positive effect. When we have a point isn't a positive effect the result we want? For some maybe not.
Today patriots are using words, many of them to express their dislike, their disdain, their disapproval of the way things are. They want change. They tried to use votes to make the change but too many others wanted change too but got the wrong change, they were told one change and got a whole other change. Oh, there goes those lie words, I think that is how the wrong change got into office. Many believed the lie words and believed in the change. Now they want words of truth and real change.
Patriots are ready to give ears that are ready to listen words of truth, words of wisdom and words of patriotism that will strengthen America and bring her back to the strongest country on this earth. We need to listen to the words, we need to act upon those words. Words are only words unless we act upon them, make them work, make them make a difference.
Liberals, leftists are deaf to patriot words, or are they? I believe they hear them but they are hoping that these words mean nothing. When words are just flying words, flying about from one mouth into hither space to be just heard without purpose or forethought of how those words need to acted upon they are just flying words. We must make our words count, make our words create action. Flying words are what liberal want, they want to look around and hear a bunch a flying words, nice flying words, all patriotic, all conservative, sweet flying words doing nothing but sounding all nice and patriotic. The liberals just love it, they go about their business of creating their own lie words that create action that harms Americans without thought of the harm, all in the interest of themselves [the liberals]. Liberals know how to use their words, they know well how to lie, deceive, and distort in order to create the action they desire.
It is time patriots from all corners of this nation rise up and learn to speak with action words, with patriotic action words. Create the action of change using words from our fore fathers, create action using words of truth, create action with your words and save the American Constitution, save our liberty. We the People it is says and We the People shall speak and shall call to action, leaders that will give us the rights we deserve, with fair taxation and liberty for all. Our words will not fly about, they will demonstrate action, patriotic action. And our flag will fly.
God Bless America
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.
Benjamin Franklin