Summer weeks have past, Americans rather than head the beaches have been heading to tea parties and Town Hall Meetings. From shaking sand of beach towels to waving flags how wonderful. Finally, Americans are not sleeping in hammocks on a sunny summer afternoon hoping the economy will strengthen by itself and the government will to do right by them but knowing America's future, [their future], is relying on them to be proactive. Americans have been awakened.
While it is pleasing to see Americans waving flags and signs, understanding why the government is not their best friend, why the government is trying to take over their lives, why the government is getting bigger rather than smaller and why they must stand up to be counted as part of We the People, Americans still need to be educated on history to not just understand but to truly know why the not only stand up but why it is imperative to take a stand.
I read the writing on the wall, it was left there so we could learn from the past and not repeat history. How many Americans are reading the wall? Instead of sitting in your lounge chair under the shade of the maple reading a summer novel, one should with full awakened alertness read the writing on the wall, written by those wanted to save us from their past horrors.
We must not believe the words that come from the government giving a picture of an America where all will be taken care of rather than be productive on our own. Give heed to those that wave flags and signs to awaken your patriotic spirit. The government that gives can take away, this government shall be unlike no other in the past that has followed this same tactic of giving to the people. Nothing comes for free and when you take free give aways from the government you will quickly discover your freedoms are gone and all income goes to pay for your freebies.
Nothing is for free, not even freedom, all comes at a price. It is far better to pay for freedom by our vigilance and our blood than to give it up and pay for freebies with our freedom and income. America was born from the blood of patriots and it shall thrive with the blood of today's patriots. Today's patriots stand up for the Constitution, for our freedoms, for all Americans.
The wall tells us that men before our time and in our time have risen to great power with words of give aways or words of hope for change. When times were hard, words of hope came to weary ears as a soothing comfort but such words were cloaked with hope but truthfully took all their freedoms, enslaved them through fear of becoming part of the greatest slaughter of innocent people. Blame the innocent, make them the scapegoat and put fear in all not to stand up or ask questions. The writing is there, read it.
Do not be blinded by the glitter of the cloak that hides the truth. When the people begin to recognize the cloak as false, the cloak changes but the same agenda is still hiding behind it. You must be diligent in your patriot spirit and pull off the cloaks to expose the truth, lest history shall repeat itself.
When the government says things are working well when all evidence show otherwise, believe what you see. Debt climbing, no new jobs, health care crisis, banking industry and auto industry controlled by the government and unions all show an America in trouble. No words that say things are going well can be believed, they are cloaks to suck you into their agenda, to have you wake up to an enslaved state where the fear to ask questions, to stand up, to trust your neighbor shall be of the past. Is this the America you want?
Freedom is worth our efforts, it is worth preserving and standing up for. The writing on the wall is worthy of being read. Summer days can be lazy days but this summer is not one to be lazy but rather to be alert and proactive, giving our attention to maintaining our beloved freedoms. Never again, never again, they said, let us keep their dream - never again --- never again shall people be slaughter in the name of a twisted socialist agenda. Read the writing on the wall -- never again ---- patriots arise.