I took the time, not for old time sake, but to provoke some thought; to see the old classic mini series: Winds of War. Really, I did not need to see this in order for me to know or see the Past coming quickly up behind me, ready to grab me yet it was the movie that made me want to scream out, "Does anyone see what is coming? Do we need to repeat this?"
It was the year 1939 and much of the world allowed this new leader of Germany to run rampant over the European nations. So long as the alligator is not eating you, just turn your head or shake your head, say to yourself: too bad, poor folks, glad it is not me. But that was the wrong method of thinking. It did not take a scientist, a genius to see this man was crazy. Yet, hundreds, thousands believed his rants and followed this guy. He made decrees that made your skin crawl but people who should have known better, should have stood up against him, just followed and carried out the decrees. How is it that any human could think of another human, perhaps their neighbor as unworthy to live because they believed differently than you. Remember, it was just not Jews that this man sentenced to death but devout Christians, handicapped, even those that did not appear to be of 'good' stock.
You can see from history this man had a way with words, his words though false nonetheless were presented with such charisma to the masses that the masses believed them, The masses were in awe over him, they heard words that put blame upon certain people for their misfortunes from WWI, they heard words that somehow made them feel better after thinking revenge on these certain people would make their lives better. The masses acted like zombies, carrying out the decrees no matter how horrid, turning in their neighbors of years, taking property of the Jews, ratting out others that had sense to try to stop it. How could sensible people all of a sudden become so senseless? It was those words.
It was not just those words that did it. There was also a sense among many that Hitler would go away, that he would stop at - say Poland, and go no further. People thought they had gone through hard times before and things changed so they needed only to wait things out and better times would come. People also thought if they stuck their heads in the sand that when they extracted their buried heads things would be fine again. These people allowed the autocracies to take place, they also where among those that were sent to concentration camps to end their lives there. I wonder how many of these looked back and wished they had done differently, had left when they could, would have organized and fought back; rather than give their lives to a cause of a crazy man. I dare say, all of them.
So how is that we hear these words repeated and we just sit there listening but not doing anything about it. How is it that decrees that the people did not vote for are being allowed to take hold? How is it that we are allowing our supreme law, the Constitution to be thrown off to the side with hardly a whimper? Do we not see the writing on the wall, do we not hear words that sound good but are false words only to draw you in? Are we not strong enough to close our ears to these words and stand up to fight for what is ours? Do we not see that each move this man makes draws us closer and closer to a government run state with no power to the people? With directives that are not voted on being made each day our freedoms, our rights, our liberties are ignored, taken away from us. Where is the fortitude, the fighting genes, the desire for freedom that our forefathers had? Has all that been bred out of us?
I still have the genes within me, I still feel freedom in my veins, I still have God within my soul and I will rally with others that do also. I will not lie down and allow my country to be taken away, it is too good to give away. I will not stay and be given up by neighbors that are senseless but will leave to live and fight for what is mine. My forefathers, my ancestors gave their lives for this freedom land we call America and no man or his followers will take it away.
Wake up - hear the right words, turn deaf years on the false ones, stand up before you are forced to sit down, fight for freedom before there is no fight left, live for freedom before they make you die for not being of the right stock for their new regime.