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Friday, August 20, 2010

The Silence of the Church Bells

How did we get this far? Who dropped the security ball and let our enemy in?

A nation built upon a God that teaches love, goodness and fairness to all is crumbling before us. God has been forced out of our schools, our work place, the town green, everywhere and anywhere he was, he no longer may be. It is not the will of the people that ask for this, it is we that demand its return. The people of all religions were once welcome to display their holidays, share them with each other; today we are told it is unfair for the other to display or share our holidays. Who said this? Not the Christians, Not the Jews, Not the Buddhists, Not the Hindus; but the atheists and Islams. This minority has infiltrated our society to a degree of controlling it.

Out of respect for each others rights, we bought the decree: Thou shall not express your religion for fear of insulting another. And secondly: Thou shall not question such authority for fear you shall be called, accused and convicted of racism. Political correctness was thus born by un-American parents.

Under our Constitution it clearly states that we are all given the right of freedom of expression to our religion. If we display ours, then so too shall another display theirs and we shall all share with each other our holidays, our rituals. Seems fair enough, worked for 200 years. No once complained, we each enjoyed living with each other in harmony. So what happened?

Infiltration happened.  We had won WWII, all was safe, all was peaceful but was it? While we were enjoying our peace, an enemy far greater than Hitler was quietly, clandestinely moving in to position themselves for the future control of Ameica - the new Islam nation -- Ameriraq. Over the 60's the infiltration began and slowly they were positioned. High positions needed to be filled with those of the Brotherhood (as they are known), these key people would effectively help break apart the hold we had on the Constitution. It would insure that all rights would be dissolved and the American people would go quietly into the night of the Islam Brotherhood.

To get this accomplished it was needed to train some of these people in the ways of the Brotherhood, Once educated and trained, it would only be a matter of time when they would be called upon to payback, to give the Brotherhood their total allegiance. Some of these men gave back, were arrested and tried for crimes against the security of America.  To thwart any further problems the FBI and congress needed to be infiltrated so as to begin to make dramatic changes to our laws and how we handle criminals. The FBI head issued directives to allow for openness and diversity regarding Muslims. FBI agents needed to be retrained in Muslim caring policies. Post 9/11 brought further diversity training, we needed to show the world, the rest of America that we were caring and open towards all Muslims. This made us an instant push over for the Muslim Brotherhood that had, in fact, set the FBI up to do such training, It was all part of the plan. And our finest of the finest agents, trained to recognize a threat towards our freedom, our liberties, let these people in the front door and served them wine and cheese to boot!

How on earth did this happen? Some FBI agents did  recognize it but their head tells them they are not being politically correct. What? Political Correctness is Suicide for America. We the people do not need to be told how to act or respond to another, leave us alone with the Constitution and we shall be a peaceful, fair people.

Now, enter into the biggest, the best front door in America, Obama! You heard stories of his past, you heard the pleas from people to listen to the truth about this man, his friends, his colleagues but how many were labeled War Mongers? Nearly all is the answer. Yet these that spoke the truth knew the truth, giving us fair warning. Did we heed to it? Not yet.

Clearly you can see that their plan is going smoothly. Everything was laid out, one by one each step has been carefully taken. They needed to put into place people that would follow their orders, follow and believe in their principles and execute each step. Every part of our government has been infiltrated, our rights as citizens under the Constitution has been circumvented with laws that disallow our rights. The Constitution is no more. When the rights of nearly 80 percent of Americans is pushed aside because of religious freedom to a small sector of insensitive people wanting to build a mosque there should have been red flags going up all over. Yet, our very president admonished us for being insensitive to the rights of the Islams. Obama is first a member of the Brotherhood of  Muslims by his very association and training, secondly he is a Muslim with strong convictions that all Muslims are superior and thirdly he is an acting Manchurian President who's sole job is to help break down America , to disassemble the Constitution  and destroy the American dream.  Has he been doing a good job? You bet.

He has firmly planted in strategic positions those that are sympathetic towards the Brotherhood. There is no difference between being sympathetic and being a part of the Brotherhood. Anyone that Obama has put into place for the sole purpose of pushing his Muslim awareness agenda is there by reason of infiltrating. Others that have been brainwashed to the sympathetic teachings of openness towards Muslims are traitors and unless they change their ways they can only be held accountable for every action against America that they have made. America is at war, our enemy is clearly recognized.

What must America do? Our voting these people out may prove more difficult if not impossible. Their implementation of their take over is strong. We the People need to join forces in exposing every person and group that is sympathetic towards Muslim openness including all those behind the Mosque at GZ. All information gathered on each person appointed by Obama needs to be investigated by We the People, no head of any office is good enough nor save enough to do such investigating, Obama himself needs to be investigated, his wife as well, all pertinent information regarding his past, his education, his friends and associates, all data needs to be fully annualized to determine to what extent Obama and his staff have gone to undermine, destroy and allow for Muslim law to take hold in America.

The next terrorist attack shall break our spirits and backs. It will be designed for us to give up and surrender. What America would do this? The answer is simple, an America that has been worn down, is crippled by a bad economy,has huge debt and no hope in sight, that America will surrender to a promise of better times under Muslim law.

But should you resist because your God tells you to stand firm, you shall be executed as surely as the Romans executed Christians and Jews for resisting Roman law. If your God is not Mohammad - a death sentence will so be directed. Convert or die, all Jews need not convert, your death sentence was passed to you by birth. Does this sound crazy, unreal? Look up other nations under Muslim law, where are the Jews, there are none; look where are the Christians, there are none; and the women, do you see independent women, there are none, only subservient cattle (as they are known to be). Are these nations fair and open towards all? Is this what you want for America? It is coming. It is on its way. Give them Muslim openness and fairness and there shall be none for you. True Muslims hate all that are not like them, execution is their solution. There are no moderate Muslims, call yourself moderate and you have denied Mohammad's decree - kill and destroy all infidels. Moderation is not a choice, it too is a death sentence once you are caught.

What more can be said, Do you hear the church bells? How lovely a sound. It has been heard from every mountain top, across every valley in America yet one day only the sound of the bells ringing out for the call to prayer shall be heard from every Mosque across Ameiraq --- please hold onto the sound of the church bells, hold it to your heart, it rings loudly like the Declaration Bell - calling Americans to rally once again.

Please read further on this subject, understand what is going on ----

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