I Believe in the Constitution

Jefferson lives.... through us Join the Jeffersonians today

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

He spoke these words…..

 "if we can but prevent the government from wasting the labours of the people, under the pretence of taking care of them, they must become happy." Thomas Jefferson
Dear Mr. Jefferson,
It is decades, ah, centuries since your words passed your lips, flowed from your pen and yet they spoke of the truths to be. You dared speak the truth, for this we received freedom, your words ring today in every patriots heart, On walls across America your words are hung, reminding us of what you and your fellow patriots sacrificed to give for future generations.
Today we stand in your honor, holding your words close to our patriotic hearts, giving thought how past words can keep this republic alive. Having been given independence a treasure beheld only to those worth of keeping it, we grasp it, hold it tight; we are the generation which is worthy and will restore this shining city. Be patient in your spirit, we are but men, as you, so inspired by principles held within your soul, that we may rise to this occasion and accomplish our task.
The government gained the confidence of the people, giving them rewards for obedience at the voting booths, corruption ensued furthering their cause. One generation slide under the door to another debts held by the last, each eventually assuming it their duty to take on such debt. Sadly the Constitution was pulled from end to end, deforming it until, dare say I it was abhorring seeing it in such condition. What American could recognize it, unless having once seen it in fine condition, I too would not know it, nor you Mr. Jefferson, but those that knew it, like I, are in a great position to restore it. We see the corruption from which the government uses to control the people; giving them rewards, telling them it is for them, to care for them in a kindly manner; while they are stealing in the name of taxation [without representation], to pay for these rewards. How the people cannot see the scoundrels taking their money, changing hands and giving it to those who are not worthy, with words of kindness flowing through their lying lips? Men cannot work a days labor and receive payment enough, taxes eat into a man’s pocket leaving little for bread. Many may be blind or deaf to the corruption but we are on our watch, the government hears not our demand for redress but chooses to ignore us.
Our recourse is simple in thought yet as you have left us in your words, the theory complex yet in dire need of doing. We are ready at hand, we ask for your support, give us what is needed. Your words taken to heart and mind, shall carry us through our second journey to re- Independence.
Your honorable patriot friend,
A Jeffersonian