I Believe in the Constitution

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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gather together

Until most Americans find a way to get into controlled groups organizing a well planned revolt will at best be a scattering of small tea parties hitting the government like tiny b-b's rather than to make a bunch of big hits on it like cannon balls.

Slowly I am seeing more and more using the internet to start groups whereby others can quickly spread the word. Like most Americans, and like most successful endeavors, word of mouth spreads quickly causing whatever is being organized to run quickly to every corner of the nation. This seems to be holding true for this endeavor as well.

We have done our part on the site to try to get out as much information as possible in the short amount of time we have to do so. If there are mistakes within the content, misspellings, etc, we apologize but it is our intent to get the information out to the people as fast as we can. We have also started an new community site where people can gather, join and add comments and help to spread the word of creating a resistance to keep our republic alive and well. If we truly believe in liberty and freedom for all then we all need to do our duty to mankind and serve it well.

You can reach the site for the social network page at http://weregettinghosed.ning.com
Hit the link under the link section and it will take you directly or copy and paste the url. Spread the word and make a difference.

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