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Monday, March 2, 2009

Obama scaring most American families

While so many Americans were cheering in the streets only a month ago for their new found leader. Americans again are hitting the streets cheering, this time it is about Obama not for Obama. Quite a difference a month makes.

I can not remember when another President began a presidency with such wild cheering only to end up in such a short time being criticized to such a degree. You got to give him credit, he sure is doing one horrible job so far and he is doing horrible so well. He could not have planned this downhill turn any better.

Americans are revolting like never before with American Tea Parties. Not even in the Vietnam war protests did Americans gather together is such unison. Oh, there were lots of protests but they were by far mostly from the college students and younger generation, the older generation understood the war and understood we had to do what we had to do for peace and freedom. This time it is generations across the board that are looking at what their future will hold if Obama is allowed to make the changes he wants to make and they are not liking it one bit.

I truly believe whether he makes the changes or he starts to plan them people will revolt. If any pass through there will be more uprisings until the changes are reversed. Worse yet people may take to the streets more and more until the only way to stop it will be to totally revamp the government. Do I think that will happen? I don't know but I do know that the people are fed up and anything is possible when enough Americans get fed up. We are a real free thinking people and we don't like to be shoved into a corner or told shut up.

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