How is it that the President does not know where the heck his planes are? And how is it that he did not know that in this time of tough economics that flying a place for photo opportunities is not exactly good economical spending? This is down right dufus policies
I really even wondered for a moment if he was in the plane just take the ride for his own ego. But then we will never really know for sure will we? When the mess hit the fan or should we say here, the propeller, Obama all of a sudden knew nothing about anything. Why, he did not know the plane was even gone out flying around until we the people knew. Come on, now!
If he really did not know, then it really scares me to think that if he can not even keep track of a thing as large as his plane, then what kind of leader is he? What other things does he not have a clue about? My theory is, that if it is going bad, he has not clue, if it goes great, it is his idea.
Odd how Dufus 1 just showed us how Americans, especially New Yorkers have not forgotten 9-11, We are still in fear of terrorism, we do not see it as man made disasters, it is real terrorism and for the President to just allow such cavalier photo op for his own ego, using our tax money that is needed for far more needed things, shows two things, he does not care about the people or the economy but he sure is having fun play Mr. President.