I was listening quietly to Chris Matthews doing is interview or his put down called an interview. He hits upon peoples beliefs of evolution being related to the global warming issue. Only Chris Matthews could twist the two together so well. No matter what the cause they [liberals] have to push they will pull God into it and turn it into a God bashing, Christian bashing issue.
The administrations agenda right now is that they want to tax us [the American people] and using the energy crisis, the global warming crisis is a good issue by which they can do it. Who would not want a cleaner, greener earth? Right? No arguing on that point. You cannot say, yes I want to pollute. So, they think they have us. But, wait. We discovered, there is no global warming. We are in fact, scientifically proven that we are not in a global warming trend but in a global cooling trend. So, we need to quickly change things in order keep the people [the sheeple] in control of things. Promptly the issue name is changed from 'global warming' to 'climate changing'. These are words, nothing but different words to describe the same thing. Oh, they are right on target now, we are in a climate change but not by or caused solely by us, the people, but by the sheer fact that the earth is going through a natural cycle of cooling. It is totally scientific. The libs don't need to tell us that we should keep things clean, the people in general tend to keep things clean.
I believe the administration has missed a great two for one point. Rather than concentrating on pushing the global warming taxes down the people throats they could do their part of going clean and green by encouraging non toxic goods, cleaners, soaps, personal products, etc which would take toxins out of our soil and air upon the waste disposing of such products but during their use people and animals would not be poisoned by toxins therefore there would be less toxin caused diseases thus there would be less burden on the healthcare system and the people would be spending needless money on healthcare treating toxin caused diseases. A two for one, control the costs of healthcare by bringing down the demand for it simply from controlling the amount of toxic products allowed to be in the marketplace through greener, cleaner manufacturing guidelines [you can not manufacture a product with chemicals or toxins as ingredients deemed to cause cancer, etc].
Yet, this is in our dreams, we the people must protect ourselves from toxins and from the administration who has an agenda not to protect its people but to only protect its position, its control within the political arena. If people even think for a moment that this administration believes in anything but itself they are sorely mistaken. I believe that given any opportunity one part of the administration or those behind it will turn upon each other for their own selfish agendas. They group together whenever it is convenient. The liberals will follow to the end this administration, that is until they are pushed into the sea or eaten by the wolf whichever is more prudent at the time they are no longer needed, after all we must understand that liberals only constant is that they follow a democratic leader, who it is and what agenda that changes; therefore they are considered untrustworthy.
Our majority are unchangeable, we are constant, our values are constant, our morals are constant, our beliefs are constant. While we shall pick who shall lead us, we do not follow anyone like a lemming, we change who leads us when they do not hold our values, morals and beliefs. We are most predictable to the leaders of the liberal agenda, we are also the most dangerous because they know they will not change our views to theirs. Liberal doers helping their cause do what they do best, attack at our beliefs, our values in hope of pulling us down.
Mistakes are always made when your motive is anything but good. Let us discuss global warming for the sake of making people excited enough to accept a new energy tax, it would be for the good of all people, who would not want that? They think the people would be stupid enough to believe it, after all if they tell the lie long enough, it may sound like the truth after awhile, however, we the people, the majority does not accept this, rather they go out and disprove the global warming issue. Liberals must make the majority look bad, make them look stupid. Let us bring evolution into this, after all, this will make the God loving majority of people look ridiculous. The liberals love to bash Christians, its a game of theirs. Go at it, do you believe in evolution? If so, your are in a nutshell, a nut, a Christian, bible packing nut. On the count of three, every liberal laugh, one - two - three ---- .
Well, the joke is on the liberals. You see, the liberals are out there are trying to belittle Christians in order to puff themselves up, after all liberals are so above all that God stuff, they are so scientific. They throw at us that somehow we believe that dinosaur bones were planted by liberals to disprove creation. Really. What line. The truth is the science they so believe in is the same science that shows us that their [liberal] global warming does not exist. The majority of people believe in science, it is the explanation and proving of how and why certain things exist, how they exist, why they exist. Science is constantly changing, constantly evolving. We the people who loves this earth, loves God believe in it all. The truth is that the majority of people everywhere believe in a higher being, be it God or by any other name. We may call this being, this entity, how ever you believe, anything but we all share in the same thought, the same belief that this being, entity is supreme within the universe. The truth further is that we all share the same belief that we were created from within the universe by our creator, we evolved from the point of creation and continue to do so. We may be Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, etc, we share the same beliefs. So, our liberal attackers are not attacking Christians when they attack our views of creation, it is an attack on Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, as well as Christians. So, how is it that Obama's administration would allow such an attack on Muslims that he so protects? Or is it that he just made another mistake?
Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. John Adams