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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Freedom of Worship is it crumbling away?

No matter what or who that stands up for liberty they will be knocked down. It is that one who is strong enough to stand up for liberty must be too strong for a liberal therefore it becomes necessary for a liberal to try to knock such a person down. The liberals believe that someone that is strong enough in their values and convictions regarding their country's liberty must therefore be too strong, too determined to keep such liberties preserved for all peoples of that country.
The only thing, the only method liberals have to try to win, they believe this is some kind of war, is to knock a patriot down. This however is so untrue. A patriot neither feels better or stronger, rather he is just knows what is right and will stand up for what he knows is right. There is no question about what he will do, he strongly believes in freedom and knows the cost of freedom. He is willing to pay the price.
A liberal can not pay the price, he has nothing to pay for freedom, he believes that freedom must be free. They do not want to believe otherwise.
We are a nation of God believers. We began this nation as a Christian based nation, it is and always has been part of our foundation. Our founding fathers know that it was God that stood by them when they began this nation. They stood not alone by Concord Bridge, or in Valley Forge or any battlefield since, every soldier had God with them, every soldier knew that it was what they believed in that made them strong. We became a nation of God believing people so all that came here could live in their beliefs without prejudice from others, freedom of worship was a corner stone of America.
Why today is this administration beginning to tear at the corner stone of America, pull out the corner stone of freedom of worship, to let it tumble away,leaving an empty gaping hole. We know it is wrong, it will not work, this is will crumble our foundation, it will begin to allow this nation to fall and what will they have left? Have they thought this far ahead? I believe not. To have thought closely at pulling the corner stone of America out would be to understand to know they are committing suicide for this democracy.
God must be the warp fibers of democracy lest the very fabric of this nation shall fall apart and blow away in the winds of socialism and liberalism. The foundation must be preserved, the very fabric that waves over us in red, white and blue must be preserved, we must stand firm in our beliefs, whatever our beliefs, they are what guide us to know what is right and what is good. This nation is good, it is right the way it is, and God Bless America.

Say nothing of my religion. It is known to God and myself alone. Its evidence before the world is to be sought in my life: if it has been honest and dutiful to society the religion which has regulated it cannot be a bad one. Thomas Jefferson