I Believe in the Constitution

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

We must never forget

The news is hitting us all around, from every angle, this is wrong, this is bad, this change is not good, this law will not work, this tax will hurt us, oh the economy is draining us, oh our security is being jeopardized, what will we do? We are worried, we are forced to be worried because the news wants us to be worried, to be concerned, for us to be all in knots.
So, what do we do? Do we rant and rave like we are? Do we whine and complain like we do? I hear in place I go someone whining, complaining, ranting and raving about what is going on, what changes are happening that they do not like, what new taxes are going to be imposed on the people that will only hurt the people, hurt the economy, how our national security is being whittled away. Oh the whining, oh the complaining it goes on and on. I feel for these people I really do. I know their pain, I really do.
People are losing their jobs, they are losing their homes, businesses and they don't know what to do. They are right, they have the right to complain, rant and rave about what is going on. But is that enough? Is that what will make it right, really right again?
Sixty years ago there was a young man that stepped in and said I will make it right, I will fix the wrongs, I will make jobs where there are no jobs, I will give those with no money funds to buy things again, I will give those with no food a full plate to eat again, I will give education to the children, there will be new businesses, there will be prosperity in this land. He asked the people if that is what they wanted and if they did all they needed to do is to stand by him, help him in cleaning out the wrong in the land, wiping out all that is bad in the land to make all things good and right. The people listened and went along with it.
They saw the wrongs in what the man did, they had to, but they blindly just went along with it because they loved the idea of what the man said they were going to get. The old saying - be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. You just might be surprised how you get it.
By the time things go out of hand the people whined, complained, ranted and raved. They did it in private, by this time, to do this in public would mean prison or be shot. It grew and grew, the man got more power, until the whole world knew his power, knew his craziness but for thousands, millions it was too late.
What happened? Did the whining and complaining do anything? Did the ranting and raving do anything? The only thing it might have done was to send many to prison, others to a certain death. But, did it change anything for good. Most likely not. The act of just complaining, whining, ranting and raving about what is not good, what is bad will change nothing. So, what did work? What will work?
The only thing that will work, what did work was the act of change. If you can not help in the change then just to whine or complain or rant or rave about what is happening will do nothing. If your complaining reaches someone that acts then your complaining was an act to create another to put something else into motion so your complaining must be directed at a group that will listen and act upon it otherwise your complaining futile. If you want to make a difference you must think of what change you wish to create and go about creating that change. This is the only way to make the wrongs right and the bads good again. In World War II it took a world of soldiers to fight back a man's [Hitler] army and the man himself. It took the strength of armies to make the change. Too much power had been allowed to be created, too much death had been allowed, armies with hearts their sleeves, with God on their shoulders moved in and made the world right again.
Here we are 60 years ago. President Eisenhower, then General Eisenhower said to his men, 'take pictures, lots of pictures, because someday, some son of a bitch will say this never happened.' Today, 60 years ago, the United Kingdom teaches its students the Holocaust was just a myth. A myth is something that never really happened. Those photos, the survivors all know it happened, the people of Germany made to help bury the dead, the victims remember. We know that no matter how much we say it did not happen, it happened. Do not forget, do not allow such a time to be diluted in your mind. Such horrors brought a world of armies to come with their God to create a miracle of survival. We must not forget the survival, the overcoming of this man, the peace that sprung from it all. The change of turning the wrongs to right.
How is it that because the Muslims say it offends them that we change history? How is it that we allow one man, one group of people to say what we will think and what we will do? Do we have eyes to see and ears to hear? Do we have memories to remember? Why are we not using senses? Have we lost them? History they say will repeat itself if we do not learn from it. How big of a lesson must we be taught to learn not to repeat such history? Do we not think that Hitler and his horrors was big enough to remember? Many today think not, many say it never happened, therefore how can you remember something that did not happen? But, this is a Hitler tactic, it is a tactic, just like one used 60 years ago, don't forget it. Remember, remember, don't repeat history. See the wrong changes, hear the wrongs and know the changes that need to be done to take back, turn back our country where the wrongs will be right. Put our constitution back on the pedestal where it needs to be. Raise the flag, fly it and salute it proudly, once again. We need to make the changes, we need not to complain but to make the changes together. Each one of us, one by one, together each of us need to spring up from our grassy lawns and gather in heart and mind, on foot, together in strength to make the changes. Bring back the right, make it good again. Remember to remember, never forget, they made history so we not suffer today.

From yesterdays freedom's blood springs peace for today, if we only remember.