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Friday, February 26, 2010

Holly Moses - Obama is changing mankind?

Well Mr. Dingell you can be sure you are right on one count, Mr. Obama is indeed changing the face of mankind in America but it is NOT the way we would like to see it changed, in fact, I would bet that even Moses would have a thing or two to say about the tactics you all are using on us Americans.

We have to remember that the 10 commandments were written by God himself - not Moses. Dingell says while they are not all perfect -- well, Mr. Dingell I dare say that I have never once questioned God as to how perfect he is or how perfect he does anything because really I do not think any of us can do any better. You got to understand Mr. Dingell that God is all, is perfection - so he creates perfection - so for you to say something he created is not perfect than you sir are wrong. I will have to admit though, after he has created some things, they do get a bit un-perfected, like you Mr. Dingell. You were created perfect but over time things just happened and you just became a bit, well, imperfect. So, I guess we can understand where you are coming from, you believe yourself to be perfect, therefore, you see all things perfect as imperfect, it's just the way your little imperfect eyes, ears and brain are looking and calculating things these days. Find more perfect friends and things might look better for you ...

Now back to the 10 commandments, they were put up in Washington and all the walls of the houses of justice because there was a believe that someone would be inspired to read those perfect words and something would be stirred inside them to do the right thing, change something within themselves and make the world a better place. For the most part, hopefully, it has done some good, better to be on the wall than not. But for a Representative to look upon that wall and look upon those words, then somehow come up with the thought that what he was doing in Washington regarding the so called Health care reform bill was going to be so monumental that it would be the next thing since the ten commandments that changed mankind is absolutely ludicrous. Moses would be tripping over his beard, dropping his stone tablets if he heard that one.

How could anyone even begin to compare something Obama is doing to something God did? How dare he or any of his followers think for one moment in time that he or any of them could create anything close to perfection? Surely they have demonstrated that they are plenty good at creating quite the opposite. Nothing in this health care bill will save any human being! Care and compassion coming from We the People, reform coming from free enterprise, true free market economy will bring control back to the people and lower the prices for all. When greed is taken out of Washington and a bit of surgery is done on some over fed pork we will see big changes in health care, that will save a human being, We the People will save the people, our people but not Dingell or Obama or Pelosi or Reid. They need to read and re-read the 10 commandments before they open their mouths again lest another imperfect statement will ooze out.

No Mr. Dingell - you are not working for the new Messiah, he is still save at home in heaven - with God - he is not in Washington, it is all a figment of your imagination. Perhaps you have been hit on the head by all those 4,000 plus pages of your health care bill that you did not read - but then you probably have not even read the 10 commandments yet either or you would have clearly known the two were not even the least bit similar. Go take an aspirin and see your doctor in the morning, I heard you have good government health care, the kind you want to give all of us -- another lie. You know full well what health insurance you have we will never have, you get the cadillac of healthcare and we would get the yugo - obsolete and defunct! For heavens sake don't believe all the false tales Obama has told you, don't you read the bible about false tales? Oh, that's right you have not moved past the 10 commandments ------

Well folks, Obama is not the Messiah, he has not come down off the steps of the White House holding tablets inscribed with a new health care bill that will change all of mankind forever --- Mr. Dingell just had a very bad dream .................

Please now let us all wake up and find out this whole past year has been a bad dream for us ...........

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