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Sunday, February 28, 2010

To Know Her is To Love Her

There is something stirring, something that grabs at you when in a gentle wind that flag waves gently. For most people, they walk by her and never even notice her. Sad really, that we have become so complacent in our lives that we don't even notice her.
For me I notice. I have her waving on the side of my front door, an old door, 227 years old. The door, the house has seen a lot of history and I respect it, envy what it has seen. For the door, it has had many a flag waving beside it, started out with 13 stars and worked its way all the way up to 50, quite thing it did see. Besides the flag beside it,  many men have passed through this door, some quite important to our history. It is all history worth knowing, it is our past. It is all about what is behind, what is in old glory.

Old glory stands for all of us, it stands for our spirit for freedom, for our strength and fortitude in standing up to our adveseries, it stands for our all the fallen men and women in the name of her, it stands for our the faith our founding fathers had in what they were creating and its future, it stands for America. She is America, she waves because she knows everything about us and is proud, she knows our fears, our strengths and our hopes, she knows we have what it takes to keep her going.

There is nothing more beautiful than Old Glory waving in the breeze. She is the perfect picture of America. Old Glory is the perfect portrait of America.

So, why does it seem that no one is watching? They should be. What people do not know is that Old Glory has a tremendous job and she thinks she is failing. She is great, grandest thing I ever saw but she is saddened by the disinterest in her, she does not know why they do not love her. If you do not understand, know what she stands for, why she waves, what history she is waving for, what men and women she is flying over, what battle fields she has conquered in the name of freedom, what blood has been shed upon her, what acheivements and officers have been accomplished and sworn in beside her then you do not know her, you need to know her. What people do not know is that if you do not love her, the heart beat of America goes down. Remember love comes from the heart, and when the heart suffers so does the heartbeat. Old Glory is the beacon of America, you can watch her and feel the heartbeat of America coming from her. Each beat is from each American that holds her proud salutes her each time they see her, knows what she stands for, truly knows her and is a proud American. Now her beat shall be strong and the beacon of America shall shine for all to see and all to know ---- WE LOVE HER BECAUSE WE KNOW HER .... God Bless America !!

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