When you look at Obama's ratings, CBS wants you, the general public to believe that somehow most of us still like him and approve of him which would lead some of us to lean towards following Obama's agendas. The figures are controlled to make us think one way when the truth is absolutely the opposite. We know this, we know the media has used this tactic to control the masses for years but does the general public know this? We need to educate the general public and tell them exactly how the polls work and exactly what the truths are.
Look closely at the CBS rating article, they will clearly have you believe that Obama is doing an okay job, in fact, that he is doing better than Reagan did and he is even improving because we all are so happy over what he did for the Haitians. So, the Haitians make or break this President? http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2010/01/18/politics/politicalhotsheet/entry6113290.shtml?tag=contentMain;contentBody
Now we have to look closely at the CBS ratings that the American people rated. It was done a grading scale. Americans could give him a grade. If you were graded and received a C, D or F you would not be doing well. So, lets look closely at those numbers. When you look at all the categories you will see the President according to the people is not doing very well, in fact, he is flunking out. Maybe he should go back to learning politics and come back later to try again. But, alas, that cannot be done but what we can do is to watch this President carefully and not allow him to get away with anything a true leader should not be doing or stand for. http://www.weregettinghosed.com/cbsresults.htm
When you look at what CBS wants us to think 50% approval rating by the people and then look at the overall rating that the people actually gave him from their online poll (below) you will see there is a vast difference. His overall rating by We The People of America is an absolute - YOU FAILED.
Obama's Overall Job as President






add up the C, D and F ratings: a WHOPPING 94.46% Fail him!
Only 5.53% in A and B passed him
If you want to take out even the C group that will still leave a WHOPPING 90.22% that still Fails him.
So where does CBS get a 50% rating and climbing yet? It is totally a propaganda move to make those that are gulible and do not understand the media's tactics to be swayed into the lies of Washington, Obama and his followers.