I Believe in the Constitution

Jefferson lives.... through us Join the Jeffersonians today

Sunday, February 27, 2011


By N. Napolitano, a Jeffersonian

How absurd, what is one thinking, asking common sense to surrender; and to what does it surrender? My dear patriots, it is not a matter of asking common sense to surrender, many do so without cause to even think, and perhaps that was the flaw in the decision, not knowing to think first. When presented with propaganda wrapped well in charismatic words, an individual, or group of citizens finds such enticing, therefore feels in need of believing falsehood, not using ‘common sense’ as a barometer of truth to falsehood. The leftists use this tactic well over centuries and millenniums for control of citizens, a slow, methodical process; more likely than not, producing a generation of willing followers.

Americans need know the tactic, being observed during the centuries may provide methods so as not to repeat history. Our friend in liberty, Mr. Jefferson aptly put it: “…..He proves also that man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder is the sport of every wind. With such persons gullability which they call faith takes the helm from the hand of reason and the mind becomes a wreck.” To James Smith, Dec. 1822. Do we need see how unreasonable giving away our inner common sense shall be to freedom’s survival, the survival of America?

May I discuss with you, the words of Mr. Jefferson, having pondered upon them for some time, and using my reasonable mind, of which I have not surrender, nor do I intend such; the importance of recognizing and acting upon the intentional threat to citizens’ survival as a free people? Patriots, citizens, understand when speeches, addresses, commentaries come your way, listen carefully; never be caught in the moment of charismatic airs, rather hold onto common sense tightly weighing each word against what is natural and logical; reasonable and not. When the words hit your ears and they grind and squeak against the norm; raise you’re your red flag, warn to others the approach of tyranny. Others have listened, naïve in thinking, had faith no one would dare harm, went on raising the white flag for hope and change that never comes; be forewarned they aim to harm freedom, they aim to take it away for their sheer pleasure of rule.

Remember the words: “ We need pass the bill so we can see what’s in it” Nancy Pelosi; common sense reasonably believes before signing any document you need to know what is it that you are signing, your signature indicates you approve of and are in agreement with the document. Why would citizens stand by, listening to the words and allow the signing or passing of any such document; yet it happened. Americans complained, I heard, but not loud enough, our voices are not yet one for liberty.


Remember the words: “ We don’t have a deficit problem, we have a revenue problem” Common sense tells us budgets rely on cash available, the money comes first, the budget comes second; a farmer does not determine how much milk he shall produce then demand from the cow a quota to meet, he milks his cow and determines his supply. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/02/15/945318/-We-dont-have-a-Deficit-ProblemWe-have-a-Revenue-Problem The press and media, journalists and writers, for the progressive left movement; ready to sell your common sense on the street for a buck, plaster blogs and newprint, regarding why we need more revenue to fix our deficit problems; in doing so, all the ills of the economy shall be rendered healthy. Do we believe this, can you if you have given away your common sense; for sure a unreasonable thinker would believe every word, especially if there is no regard for your own pursuit of happiness, that you only desire hand-outs rather than try succeed on your own. Tax payers no matter the bracket, earn their income and deserve the reward of enjoying it, not be penalized for working hard. Corporations hire and maintain employees, they need revenue to grow, become more competitive, create growth for expansion of the job force; heavy taxation slows the growth, encourages cutbacks, therefore does not help the economy but hinders it. Employees of large corporations should neither expect nor demand benefits from the corporation, unreasonable for the continued growth of such corporation, having unions act as mediators for demands, does not excuse the demands. Government employees should neither demand or expect benefits that exceed or mirror large corporations, such demands for benefits, exceeding the private sector, rob citizens of earned income, in the form of taxation, to benefit another extraordinarily. We cannot expect citizens who cannot afford benefits for themselves to pay for our benefits, we are all responsible for such benefits ourselves, using our own earned income, each shall save, structure and control our retirement destiny. The government has no right to force us in paying for others retirements, nor does it have a right to force us in having the government, a retirement planner. Using our own resources, our own earnings we can produce methods of retirement savings that meet or exceed current standards for far less than what is available, private sector competition always produces and delivers a better result. The citizens hear these words, shake their heads but they do nothing more, I hear the complaining, but see no action; Americans need be one voice for liberty.

Do not give into good reason for a few good slick words; they are words ready to pierce through our armor, making us vulnerable for the attack. Be wise in your thinking, listen to your common sense, give it not away, but keep it close, out of the way of the enemy. Good reasoning and common sense are all the enemy needs destroy and the whole masses are theirs for the taking. Do not think otherwise, there is no alternative to common sense and a reasonable mind, anything else is a fabrication of a socialist mind, determined by its own means for destroying a soundly educated people to a people ready for oppression. The country will falter upon its own shores and neither be able to steer it away from disaster or prevent it; all shall be lost to despotic rule or die at the hands of it.