In Resolve with the Citizens of the United States of America, we citizens do united and express our grievances for redress; having done so and received no response but be ignored repeatedly do solemnly and humbly re-Declare our Independence. The people of these United States are and ought to be and remain in liberty with freedoms for all.
No man or group of men has a right to withhold liberty from the people, so given their liberty by birth under their creator. We have tried for redress yet each grievance received upon deaf ears. The time now has come where citizens unite for the common purpose of one mission, the restoration of America, to put back upon its rightful foundation this free nation.
It has been said, a free people shall remain free when they are so educated upon the issues pressing them towards despotism; we are so educated and thereby exercising our rights as a free people to remain free. Citizens of this nation, being so free and living in liberty, has supported all people in other lands the opportunity for freedom. The blood of our citizens being spilled on foreign soil for the sole purpose of spreading freedom, we offer only support and ask nothing but friendship in good faith. Our mission from our beginning being one of peace, joy and prosperity for all, it is our unalienable rights, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, who could argue or debate such rights; only one with a mind of despotic rule could do so.
Why do we demand re-declaration of independence today, opposed to any other time in history? While it is proven, grievances have occurred in great quantity over the past 50 or more years, to our knowledge or experience; yet it is today, that such grievances have so accumulated, whereas the very fabric of liberty securing this nation; is torn by the grievances, enabling the corrupt officials full access to our rights and liberties; stealing them away like thieves in the night. We can no longer allow the destruction of our nation of liberty, doing so, allows this nation become a nation of oppression under despotic rule, where no man shall have rights but only be allowed certain life actions according the rule. We, the citizens of these United States are free and remain firm we will not allow such to change.
Americans have no sides to choose, they stand for upholding, and defending the Constitution or we are not Americans as our Founding Fathers so defined us. Many feel our Constitution is old, needs revising, updating for our times; what is our times; but a time of great change not for the better but for the worse, with rights and liberties disappearing, where men need comply with mandates and laws, unconstitutional but enforced and forced upon citizens, too afraid to stand against the enforcers. Most enforcers do not know their supreme law and rely upon the corrupt wolves for guidance, further spreading corruption. The citizens no longer will stand for the constitutionally ignorant to rule them; redress and dissolution of a corrupt government is rightfully requested.
It has been said, by our Founding Father and author of our Declaration of Independence who’s intellect is unmatched by any man today; “A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall take from the mouth of labor any bread it has earned – this is the sum of good government.” Th. Jefferson
No government ought be so large as to consume all laborious earnings from its people, leaving them no bread earnings for which to pursue their happiness. This is the case with our government today, and we have so allowed it, being more content to lie upon the soft bed of complacency of peace rather than be attentive and resist the coming despotic rule. Liberty is not easy to maintain yet we discover it far better attend to our liberties refreshing from time to time our government, than to allow the wolves to tend our governing, causing citizens the labor of restoring Liberty.
Shall we agree we have lost to despotism, much of our Liberty and thus need unite for its restoration? The state of no Liberty is the sign tyranny has won; I find it hard for citizens who lived under Liberty, raising the white flag of surrender. Americans only know freedom, they thrive on it; being so absorbed in it, they do not see it seeping away a drop at a time under the guise of tolerant progressive ideology.
Debate upon what has brought us to this point, but the point where America has come, must be resolved. America is in dire need of restoration. There is no other method of restoration but a complete cleansing of our government, to put into place, a smaller, fiscally responsible government based upon the foundation and law of the land – the Constitution. We mean nothing more than, for America be set back upon its foundation, allowing governing of the people and by the people be accomplished.
Beckon hitherto and sign this important document, the revised, ever spirited re-Declaration of Independence., on public viewing, available to sign.